English – Standard
A subject designed for the majority of students who are studying English for the HSC and Preliminary course and seek an ATAR.
The Preliminary and HSC English (Standard) courses are designed for students to become proficient in English to enhance their personal, social and vocational lives. These courses provide students with the opportunity to become confident and effective communicators and to enjoy the breadth and variety of English texts. They offer a rich language experience that is reflected in the modes of reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing and representing.
Students explore language forms, features and structures of texts in a range of personal, social, historical, cultural and workplace contexts. They respond to and compose texts to extend their understanding and experience, access information and assess its reliability, and synthesise the knowledge gained from a range of sources to fulfil a variety of purposes. Responding to and composing texts provides students with the opportunity to appreciate the imaginative and the affective and to recognise the ways texts convey, interpret and reflect ways of thinking about the self and the world. English Standard is a fairly challenging course that requires disciplined application and consistent participation.